Saturday, February 27, 2021

Once with an abundance of beavers, now with an abundance of people: Boston's Jamaica Pond

Map showing a section of the Emerald Necklace including Jamaica Pond
Jamaica Pond is an ice-age kettle pond, or kettle hole—today, part of the park and waterway chain in Boston, which is referred to as Emerald Necklace [1]. The pond name derives from an Indian name meaning “abundance of beavers” [2-4].

In front of the boat house
Since the time when Boston neighborhoods such as Jamaica Plain “grew around the pond,” it turned into a commercially and recreationally used lake. Commercially, by supplying Boston with water—and in the frosty cold season with ice, cut and sold by ice dealers. Recreationally, by ice skaters in winter and by other outdoor enthusiasts during the boating, sailing and “green-belt” season. A 1.5-mile-long paved trail encircles the pond and is flooded by both locals and visitors on any fairly-agreeable-weather day.

When the last beaver used Jamaica Pond or was seen there, I don't know. But I like the idea of naming a naturally formed lake after a species living and thriving there.

Jamaica Pond's north east section on a day in late February 2021

References and more to explore

All the websites, referenced in the following, were accessed on February 27, 2021

[1] Jamaica Pond. Emerald Necklace Conservancy. Website:

[2] Feature Detail Report for: Jamaica Pond. USGS. Website:

[3] Jamaica Pond Park, Boston. GPSMYCITY - Lose Yourself Without Getting Lost. Website:

[4] Jamaica Pond. Prompt Guides. Website: